Allowing Single User Accounts to Join Multiple Avatars – For Avatar Owners

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Feature Release Update

Welcome to MaxGood.Work's Coaching Platform Blog
Feature Release & Enhancements – Update #2


At MaxGood, we’re always looking for ways to improve the coaching experience for both coaches and their clients. In today’s publication, we’re introducing a new feature that enables users (avatar admins alone in the first release ) to be part of multiple avatars with a single user account.

Before diving into the details of this new release, let’s first go over some essential platform terminologies to ensure you’re familiar with the key concepts. Terminologies & Key Definitions:

      • User Account: A user account consists of the credentials a user uses to sign up on These credentials include name, email address, and password.
      • Single Account: A single user account is one set of credentials owned by a user who is an avatar admin, an avatar owner, both or an avatar user.
      • Essential Avatar: A coaching avatar on owned and managed by an independent coach and publicly listed. 
      • Enterprise Avatar: A coaching avatar on owned and managed by an organization or an organizational coach.
      • Avatar User: A user of an Essential Avatar or an Enterprise Avatar on
      • Avatar Owner: A coach who is the originator and administrator of an avatar and its expertise on
      • Avatar Admin: A coaching avatar administrator who can manage an avatar’s account, expertise, content, title, and users on
      • Avatar: An AI clone of a coach’s expertise that accurately represents their coaching style and approach for their users. 

What’s New?

New Release:

We’ve added a functionality that allows avatar owners and administrators become part of multiple avatars as a an avatar user or owner using a simple drop-down switch.


Previously, a single user account with an email could only be associated with one Essential or Enterprise Avatar at time. This meant that users who wanted to set up multiple avatars or try out someone else’s avatar while managing their own had to create multiple user accounts, which was inconvenient.

What’s Changed?

We rolled out a feature that allows user switch between multiple avatar from the chat interface. 

Detailed Breakdown of Functionality in the First Iteration
    • Our first iteration of this feature allows only the Avatar owner with single user account become member of multiple avatars, either as a user or an administrator by a single switch. 
    • Switching between avatars is done through the main chat interface, where a dropdown menu appears if a user is a member of two or more avatars.
    • When a user(avatar owner) switches avatars, their current interaction history is carried forward for future interactions. This means that a conversation started with one avatar can continue seamlessly with another.
    • Interaction history with one avatar is not visible to administrators of other avatars, ensuring strict privacy between avatars.
    • However, users should be cautious, as an avatar’s response may include details from past interactions with other avatars, potentially leading to inadvertent information sharing.

Important Note: In this first release, access to multiple avatars is limited to avatar admins and only applies to their own avatars.  This means that avatar owners can become users of their own avatars with their single user account on

Below is a screenshot providing an example of how the multiple avatar functionality works, highlighting both its benefits and challenges.

See How The Multiple Avatar Switcher Works

How It Works:

Temporarily, we will manually set up access to multiple avatars for avatar owners and consolidate interactions for those who request it. This allows avatar owners to manage multiple avatars as a user, owner or admin under one account instead of using multiple accounts.

If you are an avatar owner or administrator who needs access to another avatar, reach out to the MaxGood team at, and we will manually add you to the avatar until the full feature rollout is complete.

What to Expect In Future Releases:

      • Expanding the multiple avatar user feature to both avatar owners and their users. 
      • A streamlined onboarding process that allows users (avatar owners and their clients) to join multiple avatars without needing to create a new account.
      • Implementing several usage and error measure including:
        1. A warning message when a user continues a conversation after switching avatars.
        2. A user setting to automatically archive interactions when switching avatars.
        3. An avatar admin setting to enforce automatic archiving when users switch to or from their avatar, overriding the user’s setting.

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More Resources to Help You Get Started with AI-Powered Coaching: 

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